By Guest Blogger, Dr. Jessica Paskalis of Atlantic Physical Therapy
Physical Therapists’ generally have two primary goals as a profession. We want to help alleviate pain and get people moving, whatever that level of activity may be. It sounds quite simple but in actuality there are so many factors that need to be assessed and understood to help make that happen. We look at the type of pain and level of pain, posture, range of motion, strength, sensation, how you move, if and how daily activities are impacted including sleep. We have to understand how all the major systems in your body work and impact one another including your musculoskeletal system, nervous system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, endocrine system and gastrointestinal system. Considering these factors many physical therapists are working to take a more holistic view in addressing client concerns and achieving client goals.
As a physical therapist it is important to provide comprehensive physical therapy, consultation and treatment to improve and enhance mobility, flexibility, strength, endurance and overall health through a blend of “traditional” physical therapy techniques, working on general health goals and integrating additional methods learned from additional experience and continuing education. These techniques include but are not limited to:
Range of Motion
Joint Mobilization
Soft Tissue Mobilization
Craniosacral Therapy
Myofascial Release
Balance and Coordination Training
Endurance Training
Therapeutic Exercise
(stretching and strengthening)
Core Strengthening
Postural Education
Gait Training
Ergonomic Consultation
Fall Prevention
Home Exercise Program
Food Plans and Diet Education and Modification
Physical therapy can address chronic and acute muscle, joint, headache and back pain resulting from:
Orthopedic Diagnoses
Post Surgical
Joint Replacement
Carpal Tunnel Surgery
Rotator Cuff Repair
Arthroscopic Surgery
Sports Injury
Acute and Chronic Sprains and Strains
Stress & Tension
Plantar Facsitis
Pelvic Pain and Dysfunction
Dietary Factors
And many other factors.
Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, non-invasive light touch form of therapy.
The Craniosacral system consists of the fluid and membranes that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. This system is also comprised of the bones of the cranium (the skull, face and mouth) down along the vertebral column to the sacrum and coccyx (or tailbone). Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by and flows through this system creating a rhythm or pulsation that flows through out the soft tissue (fascia) of the body. When constriction or resistance is present in this fascia it alters the rhythm or flow creating dysfunction within the body.
The gentle techniques of Craniosacral Therapy assist the body to resolve these “resistance patterns” and re-establish the natural flow or rhythm within the body.
Craniosacral Therapy is client-focused. The client’s individual needs and response to treatment determine the pace of each session. Since it is client-focused and each session is unique Craniosacral Therapy is a suitable treatment for individuals of all ages from babies and young children to the elderly.
Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, non-invasive light touch form of therapy.
The Craniosacral system consists of the fluid and membranes that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. This system is also comprised of the bones of the cranium (the skull, face and mouth) down along the vertebral column to the sacrum and coccyx (or tailbone). Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by and flows through this system creating a rhythm or pulsation that flows through out the soft tissue (fascia) of the body. When constriction or resistance is present in this fascia it alters the rhythm or flow creating dysfunction within the body.
The gentle techniques of Craniosacral Therapy assist the body to resolve these “resistance patterns” and re-establish the natural flow or rhythm within the body.
Craniosacral Therapy is client-focused. The client’s individual needs and response to treatment determine the pace of each session. Since it is client-focused and each session is unique Craniosacral Therapy is a suitable treatment for individuals of all ages from babies and young children to the elderly.
As a local provider I work diligently to provide a more holistic approach to physical therapy.
I have been practicing for over ten years. Initially obtaining my physical therapy degree from Northeastern University, graduating with my Master’s degree in 2002 and my Doctorate degree in 2006. I have worked in a variety of settings including; acute care and rehabilitation hospitals, residential facilities, schools, out-patient clinics, athletic facilities, aquatic centers and home care working with clients of all ages. This experience has helped me to look at physical therapy and health from several angles and work to help my clients as completely as I can. I specialize in Craniosacral Therapy* and am a Certified Early Intervention Specialist treating children from birth through school age. I have studied Pilates, yoga and general strength and conditioning training. Recently I became certified as a FLT lifestyle educator, which allows me to more effectively support people around their daily food plan and nutritional goals.
If you would like to schedule an appointment or find out more about how physical therapy may be able to help you please call 603-427-9014
You can find me at Atlantic Physical Therapy on Islington Street in Portsmouth.
About Healing Hands Community Chiropractic
Our mission at Healing Hands Community Chiropractic -Portsmouth, NH is to promote and support the overall health, well-being and highest quality of life of all individuals and families in our community through affordable chiropractic care.
Healing Hands Community Chiropractic is a health -care model intended to increase access to chiropractic care by offering adjustments in an open setting and fees on an affordable sliding-scale, without income verification. By doing so, we offer the people of our community the opportunity to receive treatment as often as they need, to get the results they deserve with no insurance hassles -simply paying what they can for only $20- $40!
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