What are you missing from your workout?

By Guest Blogger , Michele McCauley

What are you missing from your workout? Is it flexibility, strength, balance, coordination, cardio, mental peace? With one session of Pilates, you can achieve all of this….so why aren’t you doing Pilates?

Joseph Pilates, born in the late 1800’s, is credited to his strong work in sports and fitness.  After WWI, Joseph Pilates developed exercises for the military using bed springs and beer keg rings, which simulate todays’ current equipment like the Reformer and Magic Circle.

Pilates came to NY in the late 1920’s with his wife Clara.  Ballet dancers have practiced Pilates, as they found the exercises are effective in keeping core muscles strong, increased flexibility for long limbs, and better posture.  These exercises are currently used today to make athletes stronger in sports like cycling, swimming, running, surfing, golf, tennis, and Yoga tooJ

Just an hour of Pilates is far more effective than an hour in the gym.  Why? The body utilizes more muscles in one Pilates exercise than in most weight bearing workouts.  Also the most crucial benefit of Pilates being, that there is no impact on the joints.

Many physical therapists are now using Pilates exercises as part of their rehabilitation program.  The exercises are performed with muscular control with emphasis on drawing energy from the core.  And again, no impact on the joints!

Many people suffer from back pain.  Tight hamstrings, weak hips, and no core strength are often the contributing factors to back pain.  Pilates focuses on building core strength and spinal alignment, the end result is better posture and no back pain.

I started practicing Pilates a decade ago, during my third year of running road races.  After practicing Pilates for just one year, I was the second place female finalist in a local 5 mile road race. This was astonishing to me and I credit Pilates for my increased performance in skiing, cycling, and swimming too!

Since 2008, I have instructed Pilates to an outstanding number of people. Each client is designed an individually, customized program to help regain flexibility, strength, balance, coordination, cardio, and mental peace.  We work together to maximize their abilities and limitations to reach their fitness goals.  I am quite accustomed in working with clients of all ages and fitness levels.

If you would like to learn how to intensify your mat practice in Pilates or Yoga, become stronger and faster in your sport, eliminate back pain, and discover the other numerous benefits Pilates has to offer, then visit MBM Studio for a demo or log onto www.movementbymichele.com.

Hope to see you soonJ


What are you missing from your workout? Is it flexibility, strength, balance, coordination, cardio, mental peace? With one session of Pilates, you can achieve all of this….so why aren’t you doing Pilates?

Joseph Pilates, born in the late 1800’s, is credited to his strong work in sports and fitness.  After WWI, Joseph Pilates developed exercises for the military using bed springs and beer keg rings, which simulate todays’ current equipment like the Reformer and Magic Circle.

Pilates came to NY in the late 1920’s with his wife Clara.  Ballet dancers have practiced Pilates, as they found the exercises are effective in keeping core muscles strong, increased flexibility for long limbs, and better posture.  These exercises are currently used today to make athletes stronger in sports like cycling, swimming, running, surfing, golf, tennis, and Yoga tooJ

Just an hour of Pilates is far more effective than an hour in the gym.  Why? The body utilizes more muscles in one Pilates exercise than in most weight bearing workouts.  Also the most crucial benefit of Pilates being, that there is no impact on the joints.

Many physical therapists are now using Pilates exercises as part of their rehabilitation program.  The exercises are performed with muscular control with emphasis on drawing energy from the core.  And again, no impact on the joints!

Many people suffer from back pain.  Tight hamstrings, weak hips, and no core strength are often the contributing factors to back pain.  Pilates focuses on building core strength and spinal alignment, the end result is better posture and no back pain.

I started practicing Pilates a decade ago, during my third year of running road races.  After practicing Pilates for just one year, I was the second place female finalist in a local 5 mile road race. This was astonishing to me and I credit Pilates for my increased performance in skiing, cycling, and swimming too!

Since 2008, I have instructed Pilates to an outstanding number of people. Each client is designed an individually, customized program to help regain flexibility, strength, balance, coordination, cardio, and mental peace.  We work together to maximize their abilities and limitations to reach their fitness goals.  I am quite accustomed in working with clients of all ages and fitness levels.

If you would like to learn how to intensify your mat practice in Pilates or Yoga, become stronger and faster in your sport, eliminate back pain, and discover the other numerous benefits Pilates has to offer, then visit MBM Studio for a demo or log onto www.movementbymichele.com

Hope to see you soon!

About Healing Hands Community Chiropractic

Our mission at Healing Hands Community Chiropractic -Portsmouth, NH is to promote and support the overall health, well-being and highest quality of life of all individuals and families in our community through affordable chiropractic care.


Healing Hands Community Chiropractic is a health -care model intended to increase access to chiropractic care by offering adjustments in an open setting and fees on an affordable sliding-scale, without income verification.  By doing so, we offer the people of our community the opportunity to receive treatment as often as they need, to get the results they deserve with no insurance hassles -simply paying what they can for only $20- $40!

Click here to book now!


4 Healthy Tips for Busy Moms

By guest blogger, Denise Pettigrew, RN, Certified Holistic Health Coach

As Moms, we all have the hardest job in the world.  We take care of the kids, the husband, the

house, the pets, and, on top of all that most of us have our own busy careers.  Unfortunately, we

always seem to end up last on the list and put our needs on the back burner.  The best Mother’s

Day present you can give to yourself is to stop putting yourself last!  I know, I know, who has time

for locking the bathroom door and reading your favorite romance novel in a luxurious bubble bath

with lavender candles, over a glass of wine.  Here are five easy tips that we can all incorporate in

our busy lives by honoring ourselves !!!  And if you take care of yourself you will have more

energy and joy to take care of everyone else.

#1 Find Gratitude and Joy

I know how busy and stressful being a Mom can be.  But just remember, these days will be gone in

the blink of any eye and one day we look back longingly at the days when our children were

young.  We have been blessed to raise these amazing little girls and boys and watch them grow day

by day from little children into young adolescents and young adults.  Try to savor the joy in those

moments.  Find something to be grateful for every day.

#2 Avoid Sugar

Sugar is one of the most unhealthy, yet widely consumed foods.  It is highly processed, has

absolutely no nutritional value and is destructive to our bodies.  It is found everywhere.  Not only

in sweets like cookies and candies, but in places you wouldn’t expect it like ketchup, salad dressing

and peanut butter.  Avoiding sugar is one of the most healthful things you can do for yourself.

Sugar causes weight gain and obesity.  About 20 years ago researchers concluded that the fat in

our diet was making us fat and sick, but recent research has proven that it is not the fat, it is the

sugar.  We know that sugar causes type 2 diabetes and contributes to many diseases including heart

disease, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer.  Sugar also ages us more quickly through a process called

advanced glycation end products (AGE’s).  Sugar is extremely addictive (and food manufacturers

know this), so, the more you eat or drink, the more you want.  The best strategy is to jump the

canyon and dramatically cut down on eating excess processed sugars and sweetened foods.  Our

taste buds are very adaptive.  After a few days off of sugar you will start to become more sensitive

to the taste of sweet things so that the sweetness of an apple becomes a delicious dessert.  And,

once you stop eating or drinking sugar, you will no longer crave it.  So, enjoy your healthy fats, but

ditch the sugar !!

#3 Eat Whole, Unprocessed Foods

Processed foods are an illusion.  They often appear to be healthy with claims like low fat, low carb,

vitamin fortified, no trans fat, contains whole grains, etc.  But go ahead, read the label on any food

that comes in a box, bag or can.  Can you understand, or even pronounce, most of the ingredients?

If you can’t understand the ingredients chances are your body can’t either.  Processed foods are

making us unhealthy, sick and fat.  Food is information to our bodies.  The food we consume

interacts with every cell in our body and actually impacts the expression of our genes.  Eating a

diet of healthy whole foods has the ability to turn on our good genes and turn off our bad genes.

So, just because you have a family history of heart disease, cancer or Alzheimer’s disease, does not

mean that has to be your destiny.  Eating whole foods and fruits and vegetables that contain

valuable phytonutrients can dramatically decrease your risk of disease, help you lose weight and

increase your energy.    Our bodies were designed to eat whole foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts,

legumes, and healthfully raised dairy, chicken and meat.  So go ahead, eat some real food!

#4  Learn to say “No”

This last tip is especially important for Moms.  There is no shortage of demands and requests being

placed on our already overloaded schedules.  We can take a lesson from our toddlers – just say

“no”.  You know the usual requests ­  volunteering at our school, social engagements, creating the

perfect Halloween costume from scratch, or baking homemade cookies for the school bake sale.

Just remember – you don’t have to make everyone happy (trust me you couldn’t anyway, even if

you tried), don’t feel guilty, you don’t have to say yes to everything everyone asks you to do.  You

only have so much time and energy.  Learn to prioritize how you are going to spend those precious

I specialize in helping women in mid­life overcome weight loss resistance, fatigue, and hormonal

imbalance issues.  It is my goal to help women find their optimal health and vitality through

nutrition and lifestyle.

I offer a free one hour health history consultation.  Call or email to schedule your appointment. 

Denise Pettigrew, RN

Certified Holistic Health Coach

67 Willard Ave.

Portsmouth, NH   03801

(603) 988­-2544



About Healing Hands Community Chiropractic

Our mission at Healing Hands Community Chiropractic -Portsmouth, NH is to promote and support the overall health, well-being and highest quality of life of all individuals and families in our community through affordable chiropractic care.


Healing Hands Community Chiropractic is a health -care model intended to increase access to chiropractic care by offering adjustments in an open setting and fees on an affordable sliding-scale, without income verification.  By doing so, we offer the people of our community the opportunity to receive treatment as often as they need, to get the results they deserve with no insurance hassles -simply paying what they can for only $20- $40!

Click here to book now!

Relief With Craniosacral Therapy


By Guest Blogger, Dr. Jessica Paskalis of Atlantic Physical Therapy

Physical Therapists’ generally have two primary goals as a profession. We want to help alleviate pain and get people moving, whatever that level of activity may be. It sounds quite simple but in actuality there are so many factors that need to be assessed and understood to help make that happen. We look at the type of pain and level of pain, posture, range of motion, strength, sensation, how you move, if and how daily activities are impacted including sleep. We have to understand how all the major systems in your body work and impact one another including your musculoskeletal system, nervous system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, endocrine system and gastrointestinal system. Considering these factors many physical therapists are working to take a more holistic view in addressing client concerns and achieving client goals.


As a physical therapist it is important to provide comprehensive physical therapy, consultation and treatment to improve and enhance mobility, flexibility, strength, endurance and overall health through a blend of “traditional” physical therapy techniques, working on general health goals and integrating additional methods learned from additional experience and continuing education. These techniques include but are not limited to:


Range of Motion

Joint Mobilization

Soft Tissue Mobilization

Craniosacral Therapy

Myofascial Release


Balance and Coordination Training

Endurance Training

Therapeutic Exercise

(stretching and strengthening)

Core Strengthening

Postural Education

Gait Training

Ergonomic Consultation

Fall Prevention

Home Exercise Program

Food Plans and Diet Education and Modification





Physical therapy can address chronic and acute muscle, joint, headache and back pain resulting from:



Orthopedic Diagnoses

Post Surgical

Joint Replacement

Carpal Tunnel Surgery

Rotator Cuff Repair

Arthroscopic Surgery

Sports Injury

Acute and Chronic Sprains and Strains

Stress & Tension





Plantar Facsitis

Pelvic Pain and Dysfunction


Dietary Factors

And many other factors.

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, non-invasive light touch form of therapy.


The Craniosacral system consists of the fluid and membranes that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. This system is also comprised of the bones of the cranium (the skull, face and mouth) down along the vertebral column to the sacrum and coccyx (or tailbone). Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by and flows through this system creating a rhythm or pulsation that flows through out the soft tissue (fascia) of the body.  When constriction or resistance is present in this fascia it alters the rhythm or flow creating dysfunction within the body.


The gentle techniques of Craniosacral Therapy assist the body to resolve these “resistance patterns” and re-establish the natural flow or rhythm within the body.


Craniosacral Therapy is client-focused. The client’s individual needs and response to treatment determine the pace of each session.  Since it is client-focused and each session is unique Craniosacral Therapy is a suitable treatment for individuals of all ages from babies and young children to the elderly.



Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, non-invasive light touch form of therapy.


The Craniosacral system consists of the fluid and membranes that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. This system is also comprised of the bones of the cranium (the skull, face and mouth) down along the vertebral column to the sacrum and coccyx (or tailbone). Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by and flows through this system creating a rhythm or pulsation that flows through out the soft tissue (fascia) of the body.  When constriction or resistance is present in this fascia it alters the rhythm or flow creating dysfunction within the body.


The gentle techniques of Craniosacral Therapy assist the body to resolve these “resistance patterns” and re-establish the natural flow or rhythm within the body.


Craniosacral Therapy is client-focused. The client’s individual needs and response to treatment determine the pace of each session.  Since it is client-focused and each session is unique Craniosacral Therapy is a suitable treatment for individuals of all ages from babies and young children to the elderly.

Jess PT office

As a local provider I work diligently to provide a more holistic approach to physical therapy.

I have been practicing for over ten years. Initially obtaining my physical therapy degree from Northeastern University, graduating with my Master’s degree in 2002 and my Doctorate degree in 2006.  I have worked in a variety of settings including; acute care and rehabilitation hospitals, residential facilities, schools, out-patient clinics, athletic facilities, aquatic centers and home care working with clients of all ages.  This experience has helped me to look at physical therapy and health from several angles and work to help my clients as completely as I can. I specialize in Craniosacral Therapy* and am a Certified Early Intervention Specialist treating children from birth through school age. I have studied Pilates, yoga and general strength and conditioning training. Recently I became certified as a FLT lifestyle educator, which allows me to more effectively support people around their daily food plan and nutritional goals.

If you would like to schedule an appointment or find out more about how physical therapy may be able to help you please call 603-427-9014

You can find me at Atlantic Physical Therapy on Islington Street in Portsmouth.


About Healing Hands Community Chiropractic

Our mission at Healing Hands Community Chiropractic -Portsmouth, NH is to promote and support the overall health, well-being and highest quality of life of all individuals and families in our community through affordable chiropractic care.


Healing Hands Community Chiropractic is a health -care model intended to increase access to chiropractic care by offering adjustments in an open setting and fees on an affordable sliding-scale, without income verification.  By doing so, we offer the people of our community the opportunity to receive treatment as often as they need, to get the results they deserve with no insurance hassles -simply paying what they can for only $20- $40!

Click here to book now!




Every New Parent’s Dream

In-Home Postpartum & Breastfeeding Support

by guest blogger, Krista Maltais of Koru Care

Imagine coming home with your newborn baby for the first time; the nursery is organized, the laundry is folded, lunch has been prepared for you, and best of all, someone is waiting to help you take care of your little one and answer any questions you may have. No, this is not a dream or a service reserved only for the rich and famous; Postpartum Doula care is a growing profession and available for any woman who wants it.

Postpartum Doulas care for the entire family as a unit; they provide education, companionship, and assistance with daily tasks so the family can focus on transitioning and adjusting into their new roles. They can also help parents achieve the confidence and skills needed through practical suggestions and competent demonstrations. The role of the Postpartum Doula changes every day in order to ensure the family’s needs are being met.


In addition, Postpartum Doulas provide personalized, long-term, breastfeeding education and assistance in the privacy of your home. They undergo thorough lactation education and training as part of their certification; they are able to educate parents about understanding milk production, newborn feeding cues and satiation, evaluate latch and breastfeeding experiences, as well as provide constant encouragement and support. Postpartum Doulas also guide partners to become actively educated and supportive of the breastfeeding mother as well as feel included in the feeding process through tips and suggestions. Many parents find that having a Postpartum Doula’s assistance helps ensure breastfeeding empowerment and success for their family.

New parents are dealing with a multitude of changes and demands during the first weeks and months of their baby’s life. Postpartum Doulas help ease and enrich families’ early parenting and breastfeeding experiences. After all, what parent doesn’t feel like they are living in a dream after having a nap, a long hot shower, a hearty meal, and the education, confidence, and skills to feed and raise their baby?

To find out more about the benefits of postpartum care and in-home breastfeeding support, visit: www.KoruCareDoula.com

About the Author: Krista Maltais graduated with a B.S. in Family Studies from the University of New Hampshire and has been an active Postpartum Doula for more than 7 years and Advanced Lactation Consultant for more than 4 years. It is her passion to assist families as they transition into life with their newborn. Her service area covers Southern Maine, Southeast New Hampshire, and North Shore Massachusetts.

Koru Care Postpartum Doula Services
Krista Maltais, PCD(DONA), ALC, B.S. Family Studies


About Healing Hands Community Chiropractic

Our mission at Healing Hands Community Chiropractic -Portsmouth, NH is to promote and support the overall health, well-being and highest quality of life of all individuals and families in our community through affordable chiropractic care.


Healing Hands Community Chiropractic is a health -care model intended to increase access to chiropractic care by offering adjustments in an open setting and fees on an affordable sliding-scale, without income verification.  By doing so, we offer the people of our community the opportunity to receive treatment as often as they need, to get the results they deserve with no insurance hassles -simply paying what they can for only $20- $40!

Click here to book now!

5 Tips to Planning a Great Babymoon

By Guest Blogger, Darcy Sauers of Dover Doula


Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life.  And typically, after our big, elaborate weddings we take a fantastic, relaxing, expensive honeymoon that is focused on bonding and having fun with our new partner.


The birth day of your baby is also one of the most important days of your life.  Yet, typically afterwards, we are sent home in a whirlwind of questions.  Instead of bonding and having fun with our new baby, we find ourselves surviving on granola bars, not showering and sometimes crying for no reason.


Why? Why? Why?


Why is there such a disparity between the way we celebrate these two major life events?  I don’t know – that’s the topic of a separate blog.


One study showed that in the last 3 months leading up to their wedding, brides spent an average of 11 hours a week working on wedding details.  Devote some time to planning your Babymoon.


Here’s my top 5 tips for taking a Babymoon and how hiring a postpartum doula can help.



1.  Sleep.  Did you sleep in every morning on your honeymoon?  Take a nap before going out to dinner?  Sleep is of the utmost importance on your Babymoon.  A new baby needs to eat every 2-3 hours around the clock.  The sleep deprivation that comes along with a new baby can really take a toll on your mood and your health.  And this is not one or two nights of bad sleep, this is a long haul!  It’s really important to “sleep when the baby sleeps” throughout the day.  Nap whenever possible.  A postpartum doula can watch the baby while you nap during the day.  You can also hire an overnight postpartum doula to help you get the most sleep possible at night.  Postpartum doulas can also educate you about newborn sleep patterns and help you maximize the sleep you and your newborn are getting.


2. Pamper yourself.  Did you have a massage before or after your wedding?  A pedicure?  Treat yourself to some pampering and self-care.  Whether it’s hiring a massage therapist to come to your home or just taking a really long hot bath with some candles and the door closed.   A little self-care goes a long way for  a mom.  A postpartum doula will care for the baby while you take some time for yourself to nap, shower or whatever it is that makes you feel better!


3.  No guests allowed.  How many people did you invite to come with you on your honeymoon?  In the first few days home on your baby moon,  just let it be the three of you.  Naked in bed.  Focus on breastfeeding, bonding and recovering from birth.  Your baby will still be super cute a week or two from now and you can invite friends and family to come then.  A postpartum doula often “runs interference” with family and friends, making sure that no one is overstaying their welcome.


4.  Good food.  Was your wedding catered by a top, local chef?  Were there decadent dinners and drinks on your honeymoon?  Then why are you surviving on granola bars and frozen dinners in the first weeks home with your baby?  Take the time to enjoy nutritious and delicious snacks and dinners.  Nourish yourself so you can nourish your baby.  When a friend asks, “Is there is anything I can do?” Say, “Yes, please drop off a healthy dinner.”  Keep a list of healthy take out options nearby.  Hire someone to stash your freezer with healthy meals.  A postpartum doula will be sure to provide you with healthy snacks throughout the day and light meal preparation.


5.  Enjoy it. The focus of a honeymoon is to have uninterrupted time with your partner to have fun, build wonderful memories, and create a bond that will last a lifetime.  Do the same with your baby!  Turn off the phone, the computer and the to-do list and snuggle in with your amazing newborn.  Take time to examine every cute little roll of glorious chubbiness!  Notice how intently his eyes look at your face.  Sing her some songs.  Snuggle him on your chest and inhale that intoxicating newborn scent on the top of his head.  A postpartum doula will take care of your laundry and dishes so that you can focus all your time and attention on the fun stuff!


Bonus.  Don’t stress.  Did you spend time on your honeymoon worrying about whether or not you were a good wife?  Or did you live in the moment and enjoy long walks on the beach with the love of your life?  Spend your babymoon enjoying your new baby and falling in love.  Don’t waste one second worrying that you are a bad mom or that you’re doing it wrong.  You’re not.


And finally, just like you did on your honeymoon, TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES!  And make sure that you are IN the pictures.  You may not feel as beautiful as you did on your honeymoon, but trust me, you are.


DoverDoula (1)

 Darcy Sauers owns Dover Doula and is a certified postpartum doula and certified lactation counselor.  She is the mother of three children who didn’t take the time to plan a Babymoon and really wishes that she had.  She is now passionately committed to helping new moms really enjoy the first 12 weeks home with a new baby.  Since 2010, she has helped close to 100 Seacoast, NH area families with their Babymoons.


About Healing Hands Community Chiropractic

Our mission at Healing Hands Community Chiropractic -Portsmouth, NH is to promote and support the overall health, well-being and highest quality of life of all individuals and families in our community through affordable chiropractic care.


Healing Hands Community Chiropractic is a health -care model intended to increase access to chiropractic care by offering adjustments in an open setting and fees on an affordable sliding-scale, without income verification.  By doing so, we offer the people of our community the opportunity to receive treatment as often as they need, to get the results they deserve with no insurance hassles -simply paying what they can for only $20- $40!

Click here to book now!

The Growth of Yoga

by Guest Blogger, Bjorn Turnquist of 3 Bridges Yoga


Yoga is everywhere.  From TV commercials, celebrities, yoga festivals, p90X and gyms and health clubs, yoga has hit the mainstream.  Even right here in Portsmouth, there are 8 studios all within the city limits and this doesn’t include the many other yoga options available throughout the Seacoast.

Here are the latest stats about the popularity of yoga in the United States, according to Statistic Brain.


Yoga Demographics and Statistics
Total Number of Americans who practice Yoga 15 million
Percent female 72.2%
Percent male 27.8%
Precent who earn more than $75,000 annually 44%
Percent who earn more than $100,000 annually 24%
Percent between the ages of 18-34 40.6%
Percent between the ages of 35-54 41%
Percent over 55 18.4%
Percent who are college graduates 71.4%
Yoga by Location
Percent of practitioners that live on the West Coast 20 %
Percent of practitioners that live in the Northeast 30 %
Percent of practitioners that live in the Midwest including Ohio 30 %
Other parts 20 %
Yoga Industry Growth Statistics
Amount spent annually in the US on yoga products $27 Billion
Percent increase on yoga product spending over the last 5 years 87 %
Average annual increase of the number of people who practice yoga 20 %


Why is yoga on the upward trend? Its roots date back to 5,000 years ago and it was brought to the US in the early 1900s, so why now?  Well, for one obvious reason is people want to live healthier.  Like other physical activities like running, swimming, and biking, yoga is exercise.

Looking at the trends above, 20% more people are practicing yoga every year, and spending more money.  Unlike the many yoga options in town, there are only a few gyms.  According to statistic brain, gym membership sales are down 16% from 2010 to 2011.

Is yoga just going to be a trend, like jazzercise, leg warmers and gangnam style?  Or is it going to last and become the way humans stay fit?

Maybe this yoga thing has more to it than just sweating it out and showcasing your best Warrior 2 butt and legs.  Maybe there is something more than just getting a work out.  In this age where we are constantly distracted by media, internet, Facebooks, cellphones, video games – you name it; maybe yoga is calling our culture and world to something more.

The heart of yoga doesn’t reside in the yoga poses.  In Sanskrit, Yoga means “to yoke”, or in simpler terms, “union”.  There are many facets of yoga: from poses, to breathing exercises, and even moral principles to follow.  There are techniques ranging from the simple to the weird and complex.  For example, what are we trying to yoke when we balance on one leg?

The heart of yoga is connection.  Yoga aims to connect you to you, and to connect you to others: other people, other living things and our planet and universe.  It’s not religion, but when you connect whole heartedly to yourself and others, and know we are all living and breathing on this planet together, there might be more to just us spinning randomly on this ball of blue.

But what do I know?  I’m just another one of us on the growing yoga bandwagon.  I’ve been practicing for 7 years, teaching for 2, and I’ve barely scratched the surface of what yoga means.  As a yoga teacher, I do see people coming in for their first class.  Their bodies like sacks of potatoes and maybe harboring an injury.  Their minds are racing and distracted.  But, after some steady practice, they feel better.  They seem happier, lighter, stand a little taller, and are a little more aware and mindful.  Not to mention a trimmer waistline and maybe a healed injury.

So, if you have never done yoga, or tried it and didn’t like it, give it another shot.  Make it a challenge.  Make it a relationship.  Go try one of the many great studios and teachers in the area and find the one that resonates with you.  Who knows what will happen?


About Bjorn and Jody



Bjorn founded 3 Bridges Yoga with his wife Jody in 2011. 3 Bridges Yoga with locations in Portsmouth and Durham, New Hampshire is dedicated to serving our community by making yoga accessible and successful for all. Bjorn completed his 200 hour RYT certification with yoga teacher and author Rolf Gates. Bjorn also trained in dynamic language and themes with Danny Arguetty.  When not teaching yoga, Bjorn enjoys spending time with their daugther Zoe, listening and playing music, golfing and a good meal.

About Healing Hands Community Chiropractic

Our mission at Healing Hands Community Chiropractic -Portsmouth, NH is to promote and support the overall health, well-being and highest quality of life of all individuals and families in our community through affordable chiropractic care.


Healing Hands Community Chiropractic is a health -care model intended to increase access to chiropractic care by offering adjustments in an open setting and fees on an affordable sliding-scale, without income verification.  By doing so, we offer the people of our community the opportunity to receive treatment as often as they need, to get the results they deserve with no insurance hassles -simply paying what they can for only $20- $40!

Click here to book now!