In order to allow chiropractic care at an affordable rate, we need to keep our overhead low. Therefore, we ask that you book your appointments online via our website or Facebook page and use our
Invisible Receptionist for your payments. The doctor will instruct you how to use our Invisible Receptionist at your first visit and instructions will be posted at the check in station. Your first visit will involve a brief consultation and examination where your primary concerns and treatment goals will be discussed. The doctor will then do a Report of Findings and discuss with you her recommended treatment plan. Most likely you will receive your first adjustment at this visit as long as time permits and no other testing and/or imaging is needed.
Adjustments are performed in an open setting and last just a few minutes in length. In order to get the appointment times you desire we suggest booking your appointments online a few weeks in advance. Most new patients are seen 2-3 times a week for the first few weeks.